1 Corinthians 1:18

1 Corinthians 1:18

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

1 Corinthians 1:18

We need to understand that, even if we have been saved, we are also being saved right now. That’s what this verse says. I would really be disappointed if I thought this was all the saved I’m going to be. Wouldn’t you be disappointed if you thought you’d arrived? I mean if what you are now is the best that it gets.

There’s not one of us who doesn’t need to be saved day by day; we need to be saved from ourselves. How many of you have difficulty with something called self? How many of you have difficulty with something called sin? How many of you have difficulty with someone named Satan? Of course we do and, day-by-day, we need to keep being saved.

The Bible says that God’s not finished with us. People use to wear these little buttons: “Don’t be too hard on me; God’s not finished with me yet.” The old cowboy said, “I ain’t what I ought to be. I ain’t what I’m going to be. Thank God, I ain’t what I was.” And God is in the process of moving us to where we need to be. How does He do it? Through the cross. Make a list of the ways you have been saved and the ways you are still being saved.

Pastor William Del Casale