1 John 1:9

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

Have you ever fallen flat on your face so bad everyone came running to help you and film you? That’s how bad I mean. We’ve all been there and when we were finally able to find the strength to pull ourselves up from that horror, we look back and see a tiny stone on the ground. How could that little thing possibly have caused me to fall in such disgrace? But as sure as the seasons will change, there will be another stone and another one, or maybe a banana peel! We are going to stumble in life no matter how careful we are but rest assured, when we fall short, there is One who will always help us up even when we are bruised and beaten.

Stumbling spiritually is a part of being alive this side of Heaven and most of us have felt that regret at one time or another when we have fallen short of God’s desires for us. But be of good cheer, He is faithful to forgive 70 times seven if necessary! The only thing that keeps us feeling separated from God and His forgiveness is our fear of asking for that very forgiveness. Our Father wants to mend patches in our broken hearts and rebuild spirits that feel abandoned and unrepairable. All we have to do is ask and know that He is right there with open arms ready to embrace us back into the fold. Don’t let fear or even pride stand in the way of your Heavenly reconciliation.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio