1 Samuel 28:7

1 Samuel 28:7

Then Saul said to his servants, “Find me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her.” And his servants said to him, “In fact, there is a woman who is a medium at En Dor.”
1 Samuel 28:7

Before the verse above, Saul prayed to the Lord and didn’t receive an answer. At that point, He could have repented or waited, but instead, he moved right from doing things God’s way to doing things the world’s way. He went right from praying to the Lord to getting involved in the occult.

It’s a common practice among Christians to look to the world for help. We’ll buy worldly self-help books, take worldly counsel, or watch a YouTube video for guidance. Some of us might even go the route of Saul and go to a psychic, tarot card reader, or astrologist.

Satan is behind the occult. As Christians, we should stay far away from those things. Instead, do what Saul didn’t. Trust in God. If He’s not answering right away, wait on Him. His answers will be godly and helpful; the word of the psychics will be lies and deceits.

Trusting in God always,

Pastor Ron Kitchell