1 Samuel 7:12

1 Samuel 7:12

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.

1 Samuel 7:12

Ending my playing career, I was fortunate enough to play for a soccer team that was owned and run by a ministry. Our goal was to use the platform of a game that is known and loved by the world to share the gospel locally in our community, domestically, and abroad.

Every year, toward the end of the season, we would spend time together during our “Ebenezer day.” On a smaller-sized cup, we were to write down what we have personally seen the Lord do in our lives over the past year as a reminder of His faithfulness. It was always an emotionally sweet time. Even amidst the trials we shared we could see the Lord’s grace and provision.

One by one, we would get up to share what we had written. Ultimately thinking through and putting pen to cup, in this case, was extremely valuable because it brought what the Lord did for one to life for all. Once you shared, you were to place the cup on a table and we would build a small memorial of ALL the Lord had done in a year for a group of His children.

Remember what God’s done! Remember who He is and His promises. Remember and share. Put “pen to cup” in your own life and allow His goodness to spur one another on. We could all build massive memorials with stones that are reminders of what He has done for us. He is our helper!

Gregg Schroeder