1 Thessalonians 5:17

1 Thessalonians 5:17

“Pray without ceasing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:17

            When all else fails and all of our humanly efforts have been exhausted, sometimes it is necessary to just sit and pray. I’ll never forget an old interview I saw with Billy Graham. The interviewer asked him that if he could have done anything differently over his career of ministry, what would it have been. Billy Graham calmly answered, “I would have spent more time meditating at the foot of God.” Imagine being someone who evangelized to packed arenas and churches, but after all was said and done, he had the wisdom to know that only being still and listening to God is what really matters. I was so humbled by that interview that I have never forgotten that phrase, “Spend more time meditating at the foot of God.”

            Often in our human minds, we can become consumed with what God would have us do that we end up exhausting ourselves with what we think is best. We can do nothing apart from God for He made everything. How crazy to think that our feeble efforts are helping things when we could have just sat at his feet like Mary and not be so busy in the kitchen like Martha. It almost sounds too simple to say, “Just pray.” But indeed, that is where we need to start every task, on our knees, quiet at the foot of God, and in prayer. Pray without ceasing and cease trying to do anything at all apart from God. 

God Bless,

Paul Provencio