2 Peter 2:17

2 Peter 2:17

These are wells without water, clouds carried by a tempest, for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.
2 Peter 2:17

As the American culture moves away from God and His design, people have adopted false ideologies in His place. They pursue these false doctrines believing that there is truth and joy to be found in them, only to find out that they are chasing a lie. As a result, they are more lost than they were before and they are left hopeless.

In his second letter, Peter talks about the devastation of false doctrines. When we pursue these false doctrines, it is like trying to draw up water from an empty well, depressing and devastating. As Christians, it is important that we heed Peter’s warning and stay within the confines of scripture. When we part from the Word, even in the slightest, we find devastation and sorrow. We have the Words of life that lead to joy, let us keep these words and share them with a world that needs Him more than ever.

For the King,

Daniel Batistelli