2 Timothy 2:1

2 Timothy 2:1

You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:1

Paul had sent Timothy to his first senior pastorate in Ephesus, a church Paul had planted that was now 10 years old. Pressure was coming from everywhere for Timothy. It was coming from Nero who had turned on the church and the world around him; from the false teachers who had gained a foothold in Ephesus while Paul was imprisoned; and from Timothy’s own lack of confidence in himself and the work he was sent to do. So Paul writes to encourage his disciple.

Here in chapter 2, Paul challenges Timothy to remain strong in the grace of God. It was written as an imperative. a command, and in the passive tense, meaning that grace would come from another, from the Lord to him. In the verses that follow (2Timothy 2:2-7), Paul tells Timothy to teach other faithful men what he is learning and to pursue the work in Ephesus as a dedicated soldier, a competitive athlete, or a hardworking farmer waiting for a harvest. Strong in His grace, diligent to labor, and pressing on….may that be said of us this week!

Heads down, pushing forward, strong in His grace!

Pastor Jack Abeelen