2 Timothy 4:3

2 Timothy 4:3

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers.
2 Timothy 4:3

One of the scariest moments that recently happened at our house was the day our son lost my favorite back scratcher. I love having my back scratched, and when he “misplaced” it, I thought my skin was going to give way to seizures that would most certainly result in death. When something itches, nothing feels more satisfying than the relief of the itch. We do have to be careful because if an itch is scratched too hard or too often, it can result in a cut forming. Giving into something as simple as an itch can lead to injury.

Figuratively speaking, when the Bible talks about our ears itching, it refers to them yearning for words that make them feel good. Indeed, the words of the gospel should always make us feel good, but we often find ourselves disappointed because God’s word doesn’t always align with what we want to hear. Some have taken to heretical teachings that give way to “feel good” sermons and not much absolute gospel truth. There is no salvation without repentance, and Jesus does not save us with the intent of leaving us as we were found. If the scriptures don’t bring comfort to our ears, it might be because we have some repenting to do. Instead of teaching what makes us feel good, we should seek doctrine that brings us closer to God’s plans for us.

God Bless,
Paul Provencio