2 Timothy 1:7

2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

Timothy, though Paul’s favorite disciple, was completely unlike Paul. Timothy was reserved, retiring in approach, and quiet and hesitant. Yet his calling to be the pastor in Ephesus would require strong and bold leadership, especially in confronting the false teachers who were dominating the landscape. Paul tells his prized student here that fear did not come from the Lord. However, power to serve Him, love to motivate, and a clear understanding of what was needed were the very things the Holy Spirit would supply.

I love that for God has chosen each of us to serve in ways that may frighten us were it not for knowing He would do the work in us and through us if we would but look to Him. When fear and weakness challenge us, may the Holy Spirit empower you with wisdom and love to accomplish great things in His name. With that outlook we, like Timothy, will fruitfully keep the course.

Power, love, and wisdom from Him,

Pastor Jack Abeelen