Amos 5:24

Amos 5:24

But let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.
Amos 5:24

Amos was a humble shepherd called by the Lord to prophesy to the people of Israel. As a nation, the times were good and the people found comfort in their prosperity. The name of the Lord was religiously honored through worship services and festivals, but they had neglected to honor the very things that defined the nature of God; justice and righteousness.

If you and I let the outward practice of the Christian life be driven from any source other than God Himself, we are headed for a spiritual drought. Our dependent relationship with our Savior will bring forth good fruit over time. His desire for love, truth, and justice will take root within us and our hearts will be filled with active compassion for the lost, for the hurting, and for the oppressed.

Today, let’s make sure to allow God to work His purposes in and through us. His justice will run down like water; His righteousness will flow like a mighty stream.

Unhindered refreshment for our thirsty souls that results in love demonstrates the nature of God.

Jeff Deal