Psalm 145:20

Psalm 145:20

The LORD preserves all who love Him, But all the wicked He will destroy.
Psalm 145:20

When I was growing up in Canada, we had a huge vegetable garden in the backyard. Every spring and summer, my mom would pick vegetables and then can them in jars so we would have veggies for the winter. She would always prepare a salt-water solution to put the vegetables in so they would be preserved once they had been sealed in the canning jar.

Those that belong to the Lord and love Him with all their heart are put in God’s enduring preservative and sealed in with His protection. That’s a great promise but the condition once again is that we love Him; that we identify with Him as our Savior; and that we walk in obedience to His will. So when the jar is opened on judgment day, we will have endured because it is Him and Him alone that preserves us.

Lasting in His Love,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw