Ephesians 4:1

Ephesians 4:1

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called…

Ephesians 4:1

After three chapters laying a massive theological foundation of Truth, Paul begins to teach us the principles of walking in the power of the Spirit for the glory of God. Notice how Paul gets under the saints to lift them up into a new way of living. There is no one lower in rank than a prisoner of the Lord. He admits that he is a lowly prisoner and wants to lift up the weakest and most unworthy to live a life worthy of our position as an adopted child of God.

But what exactly does it mean to walk worthy? Certainly, Paul is not urging us to walk in a manner that will make us worthy of His grace, because he said in chapter 2 that salvation is not of ourselves and not of works. Rather, he is exhorting us to live in a manner that is suitable and appropriate for a child of God whose ultimate purpose is to bring glory to God.

The most powerful, most stunning, most spectacular Being in the universe, has made us alive in Christ. He poured out His grace upon most undeserving subjects, making us heirs of the infinite riches of heaven. That is our calling. Walk in a way that shows how worthy He is of our adoration.

How can we do this? Paul’s Ephesian letter tells how. The Holy Spirit has been given to us for His glory (1:14). We are strengthened with power through His Spirit in us (3:16). Be filled with the Spirit (5:18). Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (6:17). Pray in the Spirit (6:18), that God would empower us to do His will today.

Tom Day