Philippians 3:10

Philippians 3:10

That I may know Him…

Philippians 3:10a

Self-care has become an extremely trendy word in our culture. However, it is not the way to true joy. True joy does not come from treating yourself or from self-realization; rather it comes from knowing Jesus Christ. As Paul was penning this great letter about joy from a prison cell, he reflected on his greatest ambition in life, “that I may know Him.” Paul knew God in a way that we all hope to one day, but it was not enough, he wanted to know Him more!

It was Paul’s relationship with the Lord that allowed him to have an abundance of joy in his life. If you want true joy in your life, follow the example of the apostle Paul and make it your life’s ambition to know Him! Walk with the Lord daily, grow in your knowledge of Him and you will have an abundance of joy in your life.

For the King,

Pastor Daniel Batistelli