John 8:24

John 8:24

“Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.”

John 8:24

The above verse is a sobering word from the mouth of Jesus to some of the unbelieving Jews and religious leaders of the day. Those words from Jesus a couple thousand years ago are just as true today as they were then. If you don’t believe that Jesus Christ is God, you will die in your sins. To die in your sins means you face God on judgment day and explain every action, decision, or thought you had in this life that didn’t reflect the righteousness of God. And in order for God to be just and remain just, as described in His Word to us, He must carry out justice for this life of sin. In God’s eternal court room, a fair punishment is eternal damnation. As much as we don’t like to think about that reality, it doesn’t change its severity.

Many Christians today are trying to work out a new theology to accommodate the many different belief systems or religions. They try to do this because it makes them feel better to believe something more palatable and less restrictive for themselves and others. All this means is that they think they know better than God and their understanding of righteousness, justice, and mercy are better than His.

Make no mistake, we are not God and we are not more righteous than He or more gracious than He. If there was another way to Him, we would know what that way is, but due to sin, any and all sin, there is only one way. That way is through the person and work of Jesus Christ, to deny that is to die in your sins. On the other hand, to believe that is to live eternally with your sins covered by the gracious spilling of His blood.

Pastor Jason Witt