Colossians 4:7

Colossians 4:7

Tychicus, a beloved brother, faithful minister, and fellow servant in the Lord, will tell you all the news about me.

Colossians 4:7

The way Paul describes Tychicus as a beloved brother says a lot. He had been there alongside with Paul for quite a while and I’m thinking that meant a lot to Paul.  When you are going through tough times, difficult situations, and the testing of your faith, it is good to have that beloved brother or sister by your side.

That person will be praying for you and will be there for you, encouraging you. When Paul was in prison, Tychicus was there alongside him. We weren’t meant to live this Christian life alone.  We need each other!

I am sure there have been times in your life where God has brought that friend you can count on, just to be with you.  What a blessing to have that person, that friend.  And what a blessing to be that person and friend!

Tychicus was a beloved brother and friend to Paul. Let’s be thankful for the brothers and sisters God has brought into our lives!  And let’s be those brothers and sisters to others.

Thankful for my beloved brothers and sisters,

Rich Kikuchi