Joshua 23:11

Joshua 23:11

“Therefore take careful heed to yourselves, that you love the LORD your God.”

Joshua 23:11

Joshua had faithfully led Israel for many years and now here at the end of his life, he is giving his last address to the nation of Israel. He’s giving them some last words of encouragement. And this section stands out to me. Joshua could have said “Follow God’s law and be obedient towards Him.” But no, he said, love God. because when you love someone, you want to please them and do what they want. So, when we love God, obeying His Word is not a chore. It’s a labor of love. 

Joshua says we should take careful heed when we love God. He says we should be on guard and be careful because we are prone to wander. 

Today, let’s take careful heed that we would love the Lord our God and obey His Word for our lives. 

Taking careful heed,

David Reeves