Psalm 126:5

Psalm 126:5

Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy.

Psalm 126:5

Life can be difficult, there’s no denying it. As much as I love to laugh and tell jokes, there are also going to be times of sadness and tears. Psalm 56 says God keeps our tears in a bottle. He knows we’re going to have times of broken heartedness and times we can’t get out of our funk.

During Covid, I had a close relative die and I did four funerals for people who died from it. There was much shedding of tears in my family during that time. 

What’s amazing about this verse is that God can take that sadness and bring joy from it. It might not happen instantly, but God is always working. God took the sadness of Joseph being sold into slavery and tossed into prison and made the joy of reconciliation with his family along with saving many people from dying due to his faithfulness and intelligence.

If you’re reading this and going through a bad time and you can’t see the end in sight, know that God is keeping your tears and is doing a work, even if it isn’t always apparent. 

Thanks to God who gives us beauty for ashes,

Pastor Ron Kitchell