Matthew 6:33

Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Matthew 6:33

We often quote this verse on its own and it certainly does stand alone as a promise from God, but it’s also the grand finale of Jesus’ solution to being a worry wart. Jesus gives the antidote to the poison of worry that we allow to creep into our lives.  If we will put God’s will and His righteousness first in our lives, He will take care of EVERYTHING else.

What is this righteousness?  It’s everything Jesus has been teaching in His Sermon on the Mount: to live the Beatitudes, to be salt and light, to walk among our fellow man without hate and lust, to keep our marriages sacred, stick to our word, love our enemies and please God, pray to the Father in sincerity, and store up our treasures in heaven.  Oh, and yes, DON’T WORRY!  That’s our part, He’ll take care of the rest including giving us the strength and ability to obey.

Seeking first,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw