Hebrews 12:3

Hebrews 12:3

For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.

Hebrews 12:3

Hebrews does a wonderful job of depicting our lives under a new and better covenant. No longer do we have to give sin offerings and hope that there were no blemishes on our sacrificial lambs before the altar. Jesus Christ Himself was the perfect sacrificial lamb whose blood has more than paid for our sins past, present, and future. It was through his suffering that we can stand firm in our faith and proclaim victory against all enemies. He took the place of our imperfection and gave us life everlasting in exchange. I think we got the better deal personally.

When the world tries to beat us down, we only need remember that there is nothing that it can do to a believer that hasn’t already been done to our Savior. As a matter of fact, there will never be any new attempt to try and discourage us in our walks. As a friend once told me, “The devil has no new tricks.” It is only our humanness that can cause us to shudder at the thought of not being enough to endure. But remember dear Christian, it was never us to begin with. It is only through His sin offering of the blood on the cross that we have victory. Rest solid and confident in the work that has already been done.

God Bless, 

Paul Provencio