Psalm 147:3

Psalm 147:3

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Psalm 147:3

There is a popular t-shirt slogan that reads, “Life is Good.” You probably have seen it. But “good” in this life is usually dependent on how we view our personal lives. It’s unfortunate, but a part of being alive this side of heaven usually involves a life filled with bumps and bruises, scrapes and scratches, and a whole lot of disappointment. That’s what sin did to the world when the image of God was marred. When life throws us a curve ball, we usually get angry and look for healing in the way most people do, though the help of other people. And although people can be very helpful, that is not where the true source of our healing should be coming from. 

It’s a shame that when things get bad in life, we tend to forget what God is doing and has already done for us. As someone once said, “We need to look back at God’s track record, and not our own.” He is the great physician who sent His Son to pay the price for our lives and take our bruises and scars for us so that we may never feel brokenhearted and wounded again. Life will be hard when it can, and things may not make sense to us all the time. But God is not going to change His mind and leave us broken and exhausted. He is fully in control and orchestrating the best desires for our lives, even when we can’t see it. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio