Mark 6:20

Mark 6:20

For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and holy man, and he protected him. And when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.

Mark 6:20

King Herod imprisoned John the Baptist because John had called Herod out for marrying his brother’s wife. Knowing that this marriage was a direct violation of God’s law, John made God’s position on the matter perfectly clear (Mark 6:18). John did not look the other way and was willing to pay the price.

John’s unwavering, Godly stance had a tremendous impact on the very king who had imprisoned him. Herod did not imprison John by his own volition but by the prodding of his wife, for Herod knew that John “was a just and holy man.” Herod even went so far as to protect John. Imagine the power of John’s witness: Herod, knowingly in sin, had put John in prison, yet he knew that John was right. When you are on God’s side, you are on the side of power.

We Christians are on Jesus’ side and, therefore, on the side of the power of salvation. We can wield that power in our witness, knowing that it is truth. Do not be afraid to stand for God – we may have to pay a price in doing so, but paying a price does not mean that we are not being effective in God’s economy.

Pastor Jeff Mericle