John 11:43

John 11:43

Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!”
John 11:43

Lazarus had quite a story to tell for the rest of His life: dead for four days, raised to life, called out of the grave. He would always be known for being raised from the dead for the rest of His life. He could tell people he had a second chance; he could tell people that he had no strength to save himself, and yet Jesus made him whole again.

We, too, like Lazarus, have a similar story. We were once unable to save ourselves from death; we have been called out of our graves into a new life, and we, too, have new life. Let’s not squander it. Let’s make the most of all that God has done for us. Let’s tell everyone about what Christ has saved us from. Let’s be known like Lazarus as one who was called out of the grave.

Given new life,

Pastor David Reeves