Psalm 84:1

Psalm 84:1

How lovely is Your tabernacle, O LORD of hosts!
Psalm 84:1

What makes a church beautiful is not the ornate decorations or the elaborate artwork it might display. It’s not the classical hymns or the operatic voices singing them. Not that churches can’t have those things. No, what makes a church lovely is that God is being glorified there, and His word is being taught.

I love going to church as a Christian, but I wouldn’t set my foot in the front door of one as an atheist. Because when I go to church, I want to hear about Jesus and help others learn about Him also. Those are things a Christian is doing, not those who don’t believe.

If you’re not growing in the Lord in the church you’re attending, find one that is teaching the word accurately, and you’ll see the beauty of the Lord inside that church and inside of you.

See you in church!
Pastor Ron Kitchell