Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
This verse is one of the most comforting found in all the New Testament. It is often passed along to others as a way of acknowledging God’s presence in times of trials and difficulty. Unfortunately, most people only quote the first half of the verse and forget to mention that all things are working together for those “who love God.” It is the second part of the verse that will cause a person to be confronted with a question only they can answer; “Do I love God or not?” If the answer to that question is “Yes,” then following His commandments will also need to be obeyed. But if the answer is “No,” then all things may not work out for their good.
To arbitrarily say that everything a person goes through will work out for their good is just not true. But for those who have put their trust in Jesus, they can truly say that He is working all things in their lives for His glory and their benefit. Believers need to authentically interpret the Bible to their unbelieving friends and family who think everything will just “work out” without Jesus’ intercession.
Honestly, everything will work out to some degree or another, but only followers of Jesus are walking in His grace and mercy. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit will guide and give comfort to believers in times of trial and despair. Just merely believing all things work out for our good without God in our lives is simply not true. Let’s rest in truth.
God Bless,
Pastor Paul Provencio