Exodus 4:2-3

Exodus 4:2-3

So the LORD said to Moses, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A rod.”  And He said, “Cast it on the ground.” So he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it.  

Exodus 4:2-3

Standing before the burning bush, Moses heard the voice of the Lord.  As a sign to Moses, God asked him to do an interesting thing.  To take the staff he had been leaning on for the past 40 years and cast it to the ground.  He was a shepherd, and this was his “tool of the trade.”  In walking through the rugged desert and dealing with bleating sheep, this rod had become his constant companion.  

But God was now grooming Moses to lead His people, and his dependencies needed to shift.  Moses needed to cast aside this piece of wood and begin to fully lean on the One speaking to him from the bush. As he acted in obedience, suddenly this faithful, steadfast, strong, and ridged stick becomes a slithering, slimy, unpredictable serpent. It unnerved Moses but showed him that God was more capable to meet his needs than his rod had ever been. 

What is it that you’re leaning on today?  If it’s not Christ, could it be that God is asking you to cast it down so that He can use that very thing as a testimony of His grace in your life.  When we let go, we let God.

Leaning on Him,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw