Luke 5:5

Luke 5:5

But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net.”
Luke 5:5

It had been a long night of fishing with nothing to show for it. Done for the day, empty nets washed, Peter had no intention of going back out. But back out into the deep Jesus asked him to go. And they soon caught so many fish that those same nets were at the breaking point.

Like Peter, we can be doubtful at times whether the Lord is truly directing us in a way that makes any sense. To us, it might be the opposite of what we think is a sane approach. But, also like Peter, you and I are about to embark on the perfect path when we can say, “Nevertheless, at Your word I will…”.

The circumstances don’t have to be right. What we think we know may be challenged. Yet listening for the Lord’s voice, and then following through, will bring the results that He wants for our lives. I don’t want to miss anything that Jesus has for me, because it will be absolutely correct and absolutely good. Join me today in seeking to be actively obedient to our Lord.

Jeff Deal