Acts 18:24 – 25a

Acts 18:24 – 25a

Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures came to Ephesus. This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord…
Acts 18:24 – 25a

This portion of scripture which describes Apollos’ ministry continues on to verse 28. We are told that Apollos taught accurately, spoke boldly, and helped greatly. The foundation of his ministry was a thorough knowledge of scripture and a strong relationship with God. From this foundation, he was able to step out boldly and preach the gospel as well as minister powerfully to the body of Christ. He knew scripture and doctrine so thoroughly that he was able to vigorously refute the false doctrines that he encountered in opposition to his ministry (Acts 18:28).

The word “mighty” in verse 24 can also be translated powerful or capable. Apollos became powerful by hearing the word of God to the point where he was indoctrinated in the ways of God. He was diligent in his study of scripture which gave him the ability to accurately teach it, and he maintained an intense, personal relationship with the Lord (“fervent in spirit”).

Can we duplicate this pattern in our own lives? Yes! We can attend a Bible study during the week in addition to Sunday service. We can diligently study scripture daily as we seek to know our God better, and we can pray that the Holy Spirit teaches us. Let’s be diligent in seeking the Lord like Apollos and then step out boldly and minister. May each of our lives be marked by a powerful ministry.

Jeff Mericle