Acts 6:8

Acts 6:8

And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.
Acts 6:8

Stephen was one of the seven chosen by the early church to wait on tables and help with the distributions to those that were in need. So how did he get to the place of doing “great wonders and signs?” In his day-to-day, routine tasks, Stephen remained sensitive to two things: the leading of the Holy Spirit and the needs of others. He didn’t just toss stuff at people but looked them in the eye and asked how they were doing. He took his deaconship in meeting the physical needs of the people seriously and God gave him more and more as he was faithful in these mundane tasks.

We should never neglect the opportunities we have in our routine to go a step or two beyond and really see how people are doing. It could give us a chance to pray with folks or even lead someone to the Lord.

Being faithful in the little,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw