Proverbs 29:11

Proverbs 29:11

A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back.
Proverbs 29:11

This verse is a straight kick to the stomach for me as I reminisce all the times I spoke all that I felt without any type of filter. I’m sure many of you reading this can relate. Think about all the pain and heartache, or even anger, you may have caused another person because you felt it was about time they get what’s coming to them. At first you think it was a good idea because you couldn’t hold it in anymore only to soon realize you did a great deal of damage that you might never be able to repair outside of the hand of God, of course.

I must admit, I very much hate this type of regret because as the proverb says, I feel very much like a fool after it is all said and done. And not only do I feel like a fool, I look like one as well. The wise man, however, holds back his tongue. He weighs out his feelings and processes them in such a way to realize that what is being said is only going to cause damage and bring regret. So he stalls, he goes to God, he lets God minister to him. He lets God work in his heart so that if there are things to be said, it can be done in such a way that speaks to your love for this individual and edifies them even if the information is difficult.

Our feelings can get the better of us and when we see that happening, the best thing to do is hold your tongue. Allow yourself time to process and seek the Lord, then move forward in however the Lord directs. This doesn’t mean avoid conflict, this means handle conflict appropriately and when you do, you’ll end up looking wise at the end of it.

Pastor Jason Witt