Isaiah 44:22

Isaiah 44:22

I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, and like a cloud, your sins. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.
Isaiah 44:22

How incredible it is to know that the moment we place our faith in the Lord Jesus and give Him our lives, we receive complete forgiveness for all that would otherwise separate us from having a relationship with our Holy Father. It’s a done deal, sealed eternally by His Spirit. Though we may (will!) stumble along the course of our lives, His mercy never fails, His compassion never runs out.

Though we have been redeemed by His mighty hand, at times we are prone to wander from the close relationship we once shared with the Lord. Whether you have taken a few steps from His side or find yourself miles away from the God who redeemed you, know that He is ready to receive you back in His arms the moment that you turn to Him with a surrendered heart.

Believer, may we always remember that we belong to God. He paid to free us from slavery to sin with the blood of His Son, Jesus. How the Lord longs for us to return to Him every time we stray from the blessed relationship we enjoy in His loving care.

Jeff Deal