1 Samuel 15:22

1 Samuel 15:22

So Samuel said: “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.”
1 Samuel 15:22

King Saul had one job, to attack and destroy Amalek and destroy every living thing of theirs. Instead, he spares the king’s life and spares the livestock they had. Saul also tries to blame the people for taking the livestock and turns their disobedience to something spiritual so that he can justify their actions. We only took the best that they had so that we can sacrifice that to the Lord, he said.

We learn a valuable lesson here; it is better to obey the Lord than to sacrifice. I think of my daughter and the times I ask her to do something like pick up the toys that are all over the room. It pleases me when she does it. However, it pleases me more when there is a mess, and she does it without me asking. God does this in a similar manner, He gave us His word so that we can know Him better. Not so much so that we can sacrifice to Him but to live in obedience so that our lives can then be that living sacrifice.

Maybe today we are serving the local body and giving of our time and our resources for the good of the church. It might require a sacrifice on our part, but may the important thing be not what we do but how we obey.

Joshua Navarro