Amos 3:3

Amos 3:3

Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?
Amos 3:3

Have you ever been on a walk with a friend or your spouse and over the course of conversation an argument breaks out? You won’t be walking together long will you? One or the other will inevitably turn and walk the other direction.

This rather obscure question that is posed here in Amos’ prophecy has a profound application for us. We talk a lot about walking with God but to really do that we need to agree with Him about our sinful state. When we do sin, we need to immediately confess and repent so that our “walks” with Him will not be interrupted. And be assured that when we do fall and confess, our Lord is right there to pick us up and put us back on that path as we walk together.

Just a closer walk with Thee,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw