Colossians 1:11

Colossians 1:11

strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy.

Colossians 1:11

Paul prayed here the brothers and sisters in the Colossian church would get their strength from the Lord and Him only!   “Strengthened with all might according to His glorious power.”

You know what happens when we live our lives in God’s power? Paul tells us here at the end of verse 11, that we will have patience and longsuffering in our lives. 

Hey, I need patience and longsuffering. Those don’t come naturally to me.  Just ask my wife.  Patience is not something I was born with. When I am running on my own strength, eventually I will get frustrated and or lose my patience, because I am living this life on my own power. And my power has limits.  But God’s power has no limits!  

You know how people, coworkers, family, and friends are going to see God in our lives? Not when they see us going to church, not when they see us carrying our bibles around.  It is when they see patience and longsuffering in our lives.  When people see that in our lives, they will see what God is all about, because it’s not human!  It is Godly!

None of us are perfect and we will fall short in so many ways, but let’s pray for God’s strength daily that people might see the patience and longsuffering, with joy, in our lives.  And when they do, they will see Jesus.

Seeking to walk in His strength,

Pastor Rich Kikuchi