Ephesians 2:13
Ephesians 2:13
With how divided the world is on a variety of issues, it brings an unfortunate and inevitable conflict between people and their ideologies. We argue with people until we are blue in the face about the morality of certain things and are left wondering, “How can they think that way?!” We tend to forget that before Christ, we were once far off in sin with a mind that is under bondage to the world and its ideologies.
But you have been brought near by the blood of Christ and are now His with a renewed mind in Jesus! Next time the flesh rears its ugly head, remember the world needs to be brought near to God by the blood of Christ so they not only have redemption, but also a renewed mind in Jesus Christ. Share His wonderful love today and see how He can transform the world as people surrender to Him.
Resting in Him,
Pastor Sean Boehm