Exodus 20:13

Exodus 20:13

You shall not murder.

Exodus 20:13

The command to not murder is more than just saying, “Hey, don’t kill someone because that’s not right.” This command speaks to the dignity of human life — to place value on each and everyone’s right to live under the sun as a man or woman created by God. There are cases in the law where taking the life of another is permissible but that is not the emphasis of this command.

This command is to realize that we are created in God’s image and we are to value the life of each image bearer. The laws of God are to sustain life and provide more freedom not less. To live in fear of being murdered by someone is not a freeing feeling but a fearful, restricting one. Imagine how nice it would be if everyone saw value in each other? This world would be a different place.

Well, that’s the next world we get to look forward to but while we are still here, it is always good to be guided by the realities of this command, and realize life matters, in and out of the womb.

Pastor Jason Witt