Exodus 20:14

Exodus 20:14

You shall not commit adultery.

Exodus 20:14

The most sacred intimate relationship on this earth, outside of our relationship to God, is the marriage relationship. God created a relationship to be so strong and close that no child, no friend, and no parent should stand between a husband and wife. For a relationship to be this close and strong, it must be protected and it must be cherished. The ultimate offense to this relationship, an act that can give it a death blow from which it may never recover is to be unfaithful to your spouse.

God created marriage to be a relationship where you can be naked or exposed in every way imaginable — physically, emotionally, and spiritually — and still feel safe. To look elsewhere, to lust after another whom is outside of that relationship destroys the bond that was established by your vows before God. It destroys trust, it destroys the security the relationship provided, and thereby destroys the intimacy that such a relationship was created to have.

To be faithful in your marriage both in action and in thought is to free the relationship to grow. It will grow in trust, grow in your ability to feel comfortable with this person who sees all your flaws, and grow in your understanding of God’s faithfulness and grace towards us. Protect the sacredness of your marriage relationship and enjoy the benefits that come flowing out of it despite the many foxes that try and spoil the vines (Song of Solomon 2:15).

Pastor Jason Witt