Genesis 13:1

Genesis 13:1

Then Abram went up from Egypt, he and his wife and all that he had, and Lot with him, to the South.

Genesis 13:1

Abram would one day be known as Abraham, the father of the Jews.  And though he made a mess of things in Egypt, God had a plan for his life. Abram was not perfect by any means, but here we can see his faith in action and the trust he now had in God. It says here in verse 1 that “Abram went up from Egypt.”  You see, he learned to be in the world but not of it. To be separate.

As Christians, we know we are not of this world, but we sometimes forget. The Bible says we are like “aliens and pilgrims in a foreign land.” I so often just feel out of place in this world, and if you do too, that is ok. There is a reason for that; we are not of this world. This is a reminder for us, my brothers and sisters, that though we are in this world, we are to be separate.

Not of this world,

Pastor Rich Kikuchi