Genesis 32:10

Genesis 32:10

I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which You have shown Your servant; for I crossed over this Jordan with my staff, and now I have become two companies.

Genesis 32:10

Jacob departed from home with nothing two decades prior to find a wife in the land of his uncle in Padan Aram (Genesis 28:2), and now he is returning with a large family, servants, and much livestock. He expects serious trouble with his brother, Esau, because when he left, Esau was determined to kill him (Genesis 27:41). Jacob, however, is obeying God, and reminds himself and the Lord of this fact in verse 9.

Jacob acknowledges the hand of God in his life and confesses that he, like us, is not worthy of the mercy and truth of God. Yet God is faithful and is moving in a way to fulfill the promise that he made to Jacob years earlier (Genesis 28:13-15). Even though Jacob knows that the Lord is blessing, he is still greatly afraid (Genesis 28:7) and he lays that fear at the feet of God (Genesis 28:11).  What lessons can we take away from today’s passage? First, God is faithful and will keep His promises; second, it is not unnatural to experience fear when we are obeying God. However, He wants us to drop all of our fear because He is with us, He will strengthen us, He will help us, and He will uphold us (Isaiah 41:10).

Pastor Jeff Mericle