Hebrews 13:2

Hebrews 13:2

Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Hebrews 13:2 (NIV)

I love to greet people. Whether it is welcoming them into our home, at church, or in the grocery store, it’s one of the things I miss most from this past year of social distancing. There is just something about offering a warm hello that brings a sense of human kindness and love. I find myself wanting to offer a handshake or even an unmasked smile.

In the verse above, the writer of Hebrews encourages us to show love, not just to our brothers and sisters, but also to strangers. The words “keep on” and “do not forget” seem to indicate that these acts of kindness were a part of the early Christians’ everyday life. From the first century to today, the practice of hospitality continues to be an integral part of following Jesus.

So, as you go about your day, even wearing a mask or looking through a plexiglass window, on the phone or on a computer screen, think about how your presence can impact another person in a positive way. Ask God to give you eyes to see neighbors, colleagues, and strangers the way He sees them.

Pastor William Del Casale