Hebrews 2:2-3a

Hebrews 2:2-3a

For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation,
Hebrews 2:2-3a

The message of the Law and the Prophets mediated by angels was unchangeable. This “word spoken” carried blessings for obedience and punishment for disobedience. The people of Israel felt the weight of God’s displeasure for their rebellion and sin. But the Law of Moses never offered eternal life or heavenly reward, nor did it warn of eternal damnation in hell for disobedience. So if Israel was held accountable when all they had was a candle to light their way in the types and shadows of salvation, how can we hope to escape if we neglect the full light of day incarnate, brought to the earth by the Son?

“So great a salvation” – the Father gave up His only Son to pay the price for sin. This was not only costly, but it was the GREATEST PRICE. This would be the ONLY way to salvation because if God offered any other way, it would cheapen and negate what Jesus came to do. The Father supplied the medicine to our spiritual, eternal illness (sin). But if we don’t take it and it just sits on the shelf, “Whose fault is that?” Let’s always remember and reflect on the incredible sacrifice the Father and the Son were willing, in love, to do for us.

Taking my medicine,
Pastor Gerard Deleeuw