Isaiah 12:3

Isaiah 12:3

Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
Isaiah 12:3

The concept of joy needs to be biblically understood for it to be fully enjoyed. As a fruit of the Holy Spirit, it is first and foremost the consequence of a born-again life in fellowship with God. Additionally, by definition, “happiness” is dependent upon circumstance (happenstance) while biblical “joy” finds its source with God and His promises despite the circumstances. As such we can have great joy in the Lord even in the midst of great difficulty. How? By doing what we read poetically in our verse: drawing water from the well of salvation.

We must reach out and draw forth all that He has provided. It is His water, His well, His rope, and His bucket given to us. He is the reason we rejoice. He is our joy!

Finding my daily joy in Him,

Pastor Jack Abeelen