Isaiah 30:1

Isaiah 30:1

“Woe to the rebellious children,” says the Lord, “Who take counsel, but not of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin.”
Isaiah 30:1

God, through the prophet Isaiah, is rebuking His people for constantly planning and making decisions without seeking Him. Let this rebuke to Israel be a rebuke to us as well when we devise plans and seek counsel from others yet do not seek counsel from God’s Word and spend serious time in prayer seeking the will of God.

When we don’t seek God and we move forward in whatever brilliant plan we came up with, odds are, it’s wasn’t God’s plan and that brilliant plan of ours leads down a path that leads to further bad choices. It thereby causes a snowball effect of painful consequences that take us further from God’s will. There is an easy to solution to prevent this… seek counsel from our God first and foremost. That doesn’t mean we can’t consult others, but at the end of the day, we must let God direct us and our plans.

Pastor Jason Witt