Isaiah 41:13

Isaiah 41:13

For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, “Fear not, I will help you.”
Isaiah 41:13

Fear can be so crippling to our life’s journey. We must be aware of danger and we need to be wise in our approach to the dark circumstances that may come upon us, but being afraid is an empty option when the Lord offers a better way.

The significance of God promising to hold your right hand is important to consider. Throughout scripture, the right hand represents blessing, authority, and power. Though our innate abilities have considerable limitations when we find ourselves navigating the valleys of life, our Maker stands ready to help us and guide us. Realizing His loving strength in our lives begins when we reach out our hand to feel His grasp.

Do you need God’s help today? Me too. Call upon the Lord your God and let Him take your hand. He has something He wants to say to you.

Jeff Deal