James 1:22-25
James 1:22-25
We have all heard the expression, “talk is cheap,” and the Bible certainly agrees with that sentiment. One attribute of a true believer in Jesus Christ is that he or she will submit their lives to His Word and direction in obedience. It is one thing to know what God wants, yet an entirely different thing to act upon what you know. God’s Word leads us to life. From the direction to faith in Jesus to daily walking in His grace, His Word is a guidebook, an operator’s manual for the saints to follow.
May this truth fill your heart and mind this morning. Are you a “doer” of God’s Word? Will you be making decisions today that are made only because you belong to Jesus and are seeking to obey Him? To hear and not do is deceptive, it will fool us into thinking all is well. Yet as James says here, the blessing is found with those who hear and do!
Seek to hear and do His Word today!
Pastor Jack Abeelen