James 3:5

James 3:5

Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles!

James 3:5

Most believers know the dangers of becoming caught up in the midst of gossip and slanderous speech. The Bible is clear that such talk should not proceed from our mouths. But when tensions arise and the negativities begin to add up, we can find ourselves burning down all the good that has been built up. These are the times that we should heed the words of James and remember that we are truly all in this together and should be united, not divided, for we are either among believers who share salvation or unbelievers who need salvation. Either way, we are both loved and created in the image of God.

The enemy knows what it takes to divide us; sometimes, it is very little. Just as quickly as a good day can turn to bad after watching a disheartening news story, our Christian walks can go from healthy to divisive. The words from our mouths should be pleasing to the Lord and not seeking to destroy but to call others into fellowship. We will slip up from time to time in our words, but remember, the fire that proceeds from our lips should be to ignite people’s hearts for Jesus and not destroy the whole forest! Let our speech be seasoned with grace and not hate.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio