Jeremiah 17:9

Jeremiah 17:9

“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?”
Jeremiah 17:9

Our hearts are deceitful and wicked. There are times where our hearts desire something that we think will bring us happiness. We tell ourselves we just need that one thing and it will fulfill our heart’s desire. Then we move on to the next thing. Well, what happened? Our hearts are deceitful.

It will often lead us astray without any conviction because we claim it came from our hearts. “My heart told me that I need to quit my job. My heart told me that I need to start a relationship knowing it’s not a good fit for me.”  It will lead you to rebellion and no real conviction. We should measure our heart’s desire to God’s word and truth.

God knows our hearts better than we know our own hearts. This is why we need to be sure to line it up to what His word says. How will we know if our hearts are deceitful or if it’s something that God put there? Line it up with scripture.

Following God’s word, not my heart,

Joshua Navarro