Job 42:10

Job 42:10

And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.

Job 42:10

Here at the end of the book of Job, we know he is a man who fears the Lord and is characterized by God as blameless and upright. He’s also a man who suffered great tragedy.  His friends misrepresented God in their counsel to Job, and they have not been a comfort to Job throughout his ordeal.  Yet after the Lord has set Job straight and rebuked Job’s friends, Job prays for his friends.

The Bible does not tell us how Job feels about his friends at this point, but we know that Job reacts as God would desire.  He puts aside any bitterness and prays for them.  He acts in obedience to what God would want, regardless of any resentment he may harbor toward them and regardless of any lack of desire to do the right thing.  Job is simply living a life of obedience and faith. And in his moment of obedience, God blesses Job immensely.  

Lord, strengthen us and give us the desire to do your will, even when our natural reaction to our circumstances would drive us to do the opposite of what you desire.

Pastor Jeff Mericle