Job 9:25-26

Job 9:25-26

Now my days are swifter than a runner; they flee away, they see no good. They pass by like swift ships, like an eagle swooping on its prey.
Job 9:25-26

Job makes an observation in the above verse about the great speed by which our lives pass. In his despair at losing his children, he does not see any good as the days go by. His situation will change later when he is restored and he has more children. For us though, Job’s statement is a stark reminder of the brevity of life. Those of us who are older are more cognizant of how quickly time passes, but it is hard for the young to notice this phenomena as their perspective leads them to believe that they have all the time in the world.

Like the surprise of the prey as it is caught up in the eagle’s talons, we too will inevitably be caught up by time. As Christians, the end of life here on earth is just the beginning of eternity in the physical presence of God. Until that time, God has a purpose and a calling for our lives. He has a work that He wants to complete in us (Philippians 1:6). Lord, may we yield to Your work in our lives, and may we be mighty instruments of Your will accomplishing the work that You have set out to do through us.

Jeff Mericle