John 12:16
His disciples did not understand these things at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written about Him and that they had done these things to Him.
John 12:16
Jesus’s disciples may have been a little slow. But they were actually a lot like you and me. They didn’t get it at first, but later, the light bulb went on. All the things that Jesus taught them made sense. I’ve been there…done that! Isn’t that the way it works sometimes with the things of God?
I’m not sure if it is because I am spiritually slow, but sometimes I will read a passage or hear a study and then it may be days later when I realize what God was saying. It is like God allows it to sink in and then He taps me on the shoulder. “Get it?” Like when I was a kid in math class. Sometimes it took a while, but then I remember saying….”I get it!” The Holy Spirit brings to remembrance a study on forgiveness you heard a few days ago and the light bulb goes on. ”Oh, yeah, I need to forgive!”
Well, that is what happened here in the above verses. That day they saw Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a young donkey and people were laying down palm leaves in front of Him. The disciples saw what was going on and they didn’t quite get it. And then later, they realized a prophecy of Zechariah was fulfilled that day. They got it!
Thank you, Holy Spirit, I get it!
Pastor Rich Kikuchi