Jonah 1:3

Jonah 1:3

But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.

Jonah 1:3

Jonah was called by God to preach to the great and wicked city of Nineveh.  It was a clear and definite calling, and Jonah didn’t want to do it! So, he headed out in the opposite direction, running from God’s will.

Lots of Christians live life like Jonah, on the run from God. They know the truth and what God wants them to do, but they don’t want to do it.  They may see God’s ways as foreign to what they would do or what society would say is acceptable, so they don’t obey God’s word. But they learn, as Jonah would, that going their own way isn’t worth it. As a matter of fact, it stinks like dead fish. 

Whatever God has called you to do, do it! Don’t hesitate or rationalize away your responsibility to obey your heavenly Father. The Lord loves you and wants the best for you, and as you obey Him, you will find that His ways are good and right. As Paul wrote in Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Pastor Doug Hardin